Here we have latest issue of Swedish Classic Car magazine Klassiker.
Our Typ 64 is on the cover and inside you will find a 10-page long article.
I plan to make a basic translation to English in the near future, for those who might be interested.
Lots on our Typ 64 recreation, but also a good deal on the history of these very special cars.
This was a very professional job with one reporter, one photografer, a long day with lots of driving at this old airfield that we had for ourselfs.😘
Drones with camera, remote controlled cameras mounted on the hood of a modern car, and lots of other tricks out of my knowledge.😉
Big thank you to all involved in this project!!!!🥰🥰
Greetings från Sweden😘
Här har vi senaste numret av tidningen Klassiker.
Vår Typ 64 finns på omslaget och inuti hittar du en 10 sidor lång artikel.
Jag planerar att göra en enklare översättning till engelska inom en snar framtid, för de som kan vara intresserade.
Mycket om vår Typ 64 rekreation, men också en hel del om historien om dessa mycket speciella bilar.
Det här var ett mycket professionellt jobb med en reporter, en fotograf, en lång dag med mycket bilkörning på de gamla flygfältet som vi hade helt för oss själva.😘
Drönare med kamera, fjärrstyrda kameror monterade på motorhuven på en modern bil, och massor av andra knep som jag inte har kunskap kring.😉
Stort tack till alla inblandade i detta projekt!!!!
Hälsningar från Sverige😘
VW60K10/Porsche Typ64/Berlin - Rome wagen - 38/43 Mathé recreation Some of you have asked for more details on this Typ 64 replica built. Here are some more info and pictures from the now 8 years long built since we decided to go ahead. It is built in aluminum as the original, three of these cars was built by Reutter 1939-40 and only one of them still exists today. The three cars were intended for a race between Berlin and Rome. The race was cancelled due to WWII. Pictures shows some stages of the built, models made for testing and the wood buck.