Yesterday is was clear blue skyes, sunny and 10 degrees, today the same but 8 degrees. Took the old Oval 1957 for a spin, did run well on empty roads. Founds this mini museum along the road, this truck has been used to lift and also crack large stones. Must have been hard work but also a big improvement when they got this piece of machinery. In this area we a lot of stones that the ice sheet/glacier brought here and when it melted, about 10000 years ago, stones everywhere.🤨 Next stop was a house in the middle of nowhere, been here before but to much snow then, now I could walk behind the little barn...........and found an old Super Beetle 1303S that was very tired.......must have been here many years. After this little stop it was time for some gravel roads, nice and dry to start with......but after while really wet and muddy.😉 After just a few kms the road was blocked, two guys working in the timber industry was stuck after turning too tight at a cross road. They had 4WD with large trailer behind, but they managed to get rolling pretty quick. They laughed about that they got stuck and the old Beetle did not.😘 The old Beetle really needs a wash!

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