Rockets, Cars & Coffee Sunday and lovely weather, its was time to use the 356A Coupe after three weeks of holiday in the Oldspeed Beetle 1957. You could really feel the extra power in the Porsche after more than 4000kms in the Beetle.........during our holiday. It was a roundtrip of around 90km and we did go to the crash site of a German WWII V2 rocket. It was launched from Peenemünde in Germany from their test facility in June 1944. Sweden was not in the war, so this was some sort failure. It was Wernher von Braun who was in charge for the development of the V1&2 and after the war he designed the Saturn V and other rockets for the US. Today the crash site still has a large crater and also a 1:5 model of the V2 rocket. Some facts on the rocket: Height: 14 meters Diameter: 1.7 m Weight: 12.9 tons Top speed: 7000km/h Max altitude: 80kms Rocket power: 1 012 000 hp. On the way back we saw two old Ford Anglia in a little village. It was a great little trip, history lesson and good c...